Cancellation policy

        Cancellation Policy

  • You can cancel your order online before the product has been shipped. Your entire order amount will be refunded excluding packaging cost. In case the item you have ordered has been shipped but has not yet been delivered to you, you may still cancel the order online. Your refund will be processed once we receive the originally ordered item back from the courier. Unfortunately, an order cannot be cancelled once the item has been delivered to you. 
  • Once items are shipped from our sellers place, and if a cancellation occurs after that, the shipping cost and packaging cost will be deducted and rest or the amount will be added to your wallet within 7 days of cancellation
  • For building materials such as cement, steel, timber, all kind of sands, jelley, bricks, cement blocks, other blocks, pre cast materials etc where item do not require packaging, the cancellation window closes within an hour. There will be no cancellation accepted after that for reasons such as below:

M sand, P sand, jelly, store, cement, steel etc are loaded after an hour of the order. in some cases sands and jelly will be pre loaded to truck, but cancellation allowed for an hour only, once truck starts from delivery location cancellation not allowed in any circumstances. If such items are delivered and unloaded to site, than in any cancellation, reloading charges and return delivery charges will apply. 

Timber is cut to size after an hour, after that cancellation not allowed.